Semester 1 Final


    /// Name: DeeJay Cerezo
/// Period: 7
/// Program Name: Semester 1 Final
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 1/21/2016

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class Final1
	public static void main( String[] args )
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
 Random rng = new Random(); //scanner and a random number generator
 int flips, heads, tails, variable, requestedflips;
 flips = 0;
 heads = 0;
 tails = 0;
 System.out.println(" How many times shall I flip this coin?");
 requestedflips = keyboard.nextInt();
        //In this case, doing a do-while loops is simpler for me than just a normal while loop
        do {
            int flip = rng.nextInt(2);
            if (flip ==1)
            { heads++;
             flips++; }
            { tails++;
             flips++; }
        } while (flips != requestedflips); //whenever the random picks between 1 or 2, it will add a number to whichever it picks. Each time, it adds a number to the number of times it has flipped. This continues until the number is equal to the number of flips the human has requested.
        System.out.println("heads: " + heads + " tails: " + tails +"."); 
        int numberOfHeads, numberOfTails, chances;
        numberOfHeads = 50;
        chances = 100;
        double probOfHeads = (double)numberOfHeads / chances * 100;
        numberOfTails = 50;
        double probOfTails = (double)numberOfTails / chances * 100;
                           System.out.println ("The probability of getting heads: " + probOfHeads + "% and tails is " + probOfTails + "%.");


Picture of the output

Final 1