Assignemnt #39 Little Quiz


    /// Name: DeeJay Cerezo
/// Period: 7
/// Program Name: Little Quiz
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 11/6/2015
 import java.util.Scanner;

class LittleQuiz
      public static void main(String[] args) 
           Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
           int answer1, answer2, answer3;
           String start;
           System.out.println( "Hey, you. You wanna take a test? " );
          start =;
           System.out.println( "Well you're getting it either way. " );
           System.out.println( "Q1) What is your master's name?" );
           System.out.println( "    1. Alduin 2.Flufflepuff 3. Rai " );
           answer1 = keyboard.nextInt();
           if ( answer1 == 2 )
               System.out.println( "That's correct.");
           else if (answer1 == 1 )
              System.out.println( "How disgraceful, you can't even recognize the true ruler of all");
          else if (answer1 == 3 )
              System.out.println( "How disgraceful, you can't even recognize the true ruler of all");
            System.out.println( "That's not an option.");
           System.out.println( "Q2) Do you like ice cream?" );
           System.out.println( " 1. Yes 2. No " );
           answer2 = keyboard.nextInt();
           if ( answer2 == 1 )
               System.out.println( "Good.");
           else if ( answer2 == 2)
              System.out.println( "Leave now.");
              System.out.println( "That's not an option.");
           System.out.println( "Q3) Can we get this over with now?" );
           System.out.println( " 1. Yes 2. No " );
           answer3 = keyboard.nextInt();
           if ( answer3 == 1 )
               System.out.println( "Okay leave.");
           else if (answer3 == 2)
              System.out.println( "Gtfo anyway.");
               System.out.println( "That's not an option" );
           System.out.println( "Thanks For Taking This Pointless Test" );

Picture of the output

Assignment 39